Across the river to
The roads are generally very
good and being improved, all part of the development process by the Thais in a
zone that was once the Golden Triangle and production zone for opium
The border zone has seen the
influx of many Karan refugees fleeing Myanmar. Conditions are very restricted
and sanitation…. well…..

.the answer, get onto the high
ground and gravity takes care of the rest
Weddings are always occasions
for great merriment and here is no exception. This procession was driving around
the town intermixed with interludes of dancing
Young monks in waiting are also
part of the proceedings
And of course every procession
has to have a band. I liked the generator in tow to power the sound system
A nice surprise was Mae Hong
Son to the north west of Chiang Mai. There was a small park in the centre of
town surrounded by restaurants and the oldest Buddhist Temple in the area. We
were invited by the police to park and camp right there! Can’t imagine that
happening in Brisbane
A visit to a Karan village on the
Myanmar border where the custom is for the women to extend their necks by the
wearing of brass rings. Although I got Marina to try on a cutout version she
wouldn’t stick with it. Said something about it being uncomfortable and heavy
The number of rings are
increased with age to keep up the pressure for extension
Until eventually this dear old
lady looks as if her head is about to pop off. Research tells us that the
vertebrae of the neck are not deformed but rather the pressure is down on the
rib cage eventually pushing the ribs down to 45 degrees. Sounds painful to me!
….and it doesn’t look to
healthy either!
Who said these places were
One of Marina’s ambitions was
to do a Thai cooking course. Part of the course was to visit the market and get
to see and identify all the ingredients that are available
She was particularly pleased
with this result!
thought that I should join the course to be the official taster.
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